Design the learning flow chart


This collaborative work process describes the architecture of the training module and defines the contents of  the learning grains.

Learning Flow Chart – LFC Optimize the involvement  of the learner, the interaction between the technical resources and the contents, the sequencing  of the learning grains. The LFC is designed during a collaborative work session between the client project team and the MODULAGE consultant, using online collaboration tools or a face-to-face meeting. It describes the architecture of the training module and allows:
  • Organizing the contents into a learning flow
  • Determine pedagogical grains (small learning units in various formats –  presentation, video, game, test …….)
  • Set specifications (graphic and animation elements)
The LFC  will also specify the stages of progression of the learner, the pedagogical links to include, the learning objective of each of these grains. This package includes the work session with the client’s project team,  a written report – LEC – and a one-hour feed back and coaching session (phone or online).

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Determine the impact of a learning project


As a  fundamental stage during the creation of an E-learning content, this analysis uses  4 criteria - learning structure, learning flow, content, navigation – to explore the learning impact and conditions of success of the training to be developed.

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Déterminer l’impact du projet de formation


Cette analyse du contenu de formation pose les conditions de réalisation du module E-learning en fonction de 4 critères : pédagogie, construction, contenu, navigation.

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Create the learning experience


This collaborative work process focuses on creating an optimal learning structure and flow.

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Créer l’expérience de l’apprenant


Ce processus de travail collaboratif vise à créer les conditions d’apprentissages optimales.

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Construire le parcours de progression


Ce processus de travail collaboratif décrit l’architecture du module de formation et pose les contenus de chaque grain pédagogique.

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Storyboarding the training content


This document organizes the different elements - text, pictures, animations, interactions - for each of the grains or pedagogical element.

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Scénariser le contenu de formation


Ce document ordonne les différents éléments entre eux - texte, images, animations, interactions - pour chacun des grains pédagogiques.

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